Saturday 7 January 2012

Global Update: new H.I.V. cases and collapse of death related to AIDS in British Columbia Colombia

New H.I.V. cases and AIDS-related deaths are in constant decline in British Columbia Colombia, according to the output data last week.

"We are particularly pleased to see that our treatment as a prevention strategy has taken off big-time,", said the Dr. Julio s. g. Montaner, Director of the Centre of British Colombia for Excellence in H.I.V./AIDS. Its centre is a pioneer in the strategy, which is to aggressively seek individuals at risk for H.I.V. infection, speak them tested and involving those who are infected on antiretroviral therapy immediately, which reduced 96% chance that they will be infecting others.

In Vancouver, where he worked, AIDS is concentrated in two distinct groups in large part: homosexual men and drug users. To reach drug abusers, the city opened a centre where they can inject under the supervision of a nurse without fear of arrest; nurses also provide medical care, including testing.

Tests increases, and syphilis rates are stable, said Dr. Montaner, the fall in new cases is not a result of less of tests or greater use of condoms.

AIDS cases remain constant in other Canadian provinces, except those in the Prairie region, where they have tripled, mainly among Indian addicts in Saskatchewan, which has no centre of safe injection.

Last week, the Science magazine named the strategy of treatment as prevention, clinical trial of 1 763 couples on four continents has proved that he has worked, as its 2011 "breakthrough of the year".

Dr. Montaner said it was frustrated that rich countries do not give enough money to implement the strategy in poor countries with huge H.I.V. epidemics.

View the original article here

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